Following a tumultuous year in the digital assets space, Hedgeweek’s Hedge Fund US Digital Assets Summit is designed as a realistic, detailed and institutional antidote to conventional ‘cheerleading’ digital asset events. Created for operational and product specialists at US hedge funds, our Summit will discuss key developments, trends, and issues driving the continued development of digital asset strategies and funds. This one-day event will explore a wealth of topics, including:
Ongoing legal and regulatory challenges
Custody, security, liquidity and counter-party risk issues after FTX
DeFi developments and the next wave of strategies
Future developments and trends
When will allocators trust digital asset funds
Join us for what promises to be an exciting and engaging event.
March 2nd
Click here to check Hedge Fund US Digital Assets Summit ‘s website.
James Dioro, CEO, Tradecraft Capital (moderator)
Jasmine Burgess, COO and CRO, One River Digital
Jamil Nazarali, CEO, EDX Markets
Emil Van Essen, CEO and CIO, Katonah EvE
John Vincent, CEO and Founder, Wakem Capital Management