What are the bold ideas, investments, experiments and moonshots shaping the future? Find out at The Future of Everything Festival, May 2-4. We’re gathering the most curious minds to explore what’s next with the change agents thinking lightyears ahead. From our front page to your front row seat, we’re taking a critical look at the solutions and possibilities driving discovery. And we’re pointing you toward the stars worth hitching to. The future isn’t far-reaching. It’s now. And it all happens here.
May 2-4
Click here to check The Future of Everything Festival ‘s website.
Eric Adams
Mayor, New York City
Aryeh Bourkoff
Chairman and CEO, LionTree
Jim Farley
CEO, Ford
Demis Hassabis
Founder and CEO, DeepMind
Fat Joe
Artist, Author, Actor and Entrepreneur
Lidiane Jones
CEO, Slack
Michael Kors
Chief Creative Officer, Michael Kors
Marissa Mayer
Co-Founder and CEO, Sunshine Contacts
Sara Nelson
International President, Association of Flight Attendants
Billy Nolen
Acting Administrator, Federal Aviation Administration
Eric Ripert
Chef and Co-Owner, Le Bernardin